Thursday, May 7, 2009

Canavan Disease

In class today, we were assigned to look at someone else's blog and write a response  blog. The blog i chose was by "Jazzdncr" and the disease they blogged about is called Canavan disease. This disease effects the body making the is a genetic mutation on chromosome 17 that causes a deficiency of an enzyme called aspartoacylase and it causes healthy brain tissue to degenerate. Now that i've read this blog i feel lucky that i am not effected with is tragic disease.  Now i feel like i should go out and study this disease, you never  know maybe when i am older i can find a cure. From taking the information i know i am able to tell you that this disease is fatal and serious. If you are interested in learning about this sad and tragic disease CLICK HERE and be prapared for an interesting blog.

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