Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Vinegar poppers

In science class today, we received an assignment. Before taking note of what the assignment was i noticed that on the floor was a big taped square in the middle of the room ending at the window. The assignment stated to get a cork to hit the window. Then I knew why the square was there. The only props we were aloud to use was vinegar, baking soda, a cork, and a test tube. When Mrs. R gave us in gesture that it was time to start i snapped the goggles on my face and got right to thinking. Looking back at my notes I realized that in the begging I presumably thought that if we use an even amount of both substances then all would to the window. Now looking back at it with the information i now now well of i wouldn't have chose that montage. although it is hard to get things right on the first try i did get one thing right and that was that i noted to put more pressure on the cork. 1st try was a fail of the cork succeeding to the window. Hopes were still high by second time around. Time was ticking on the clock and we were only giving so much time to come up with our next proportions and then we suddenly came up with the idea to put less baking soda and less vinegar. " come on table 4." walking up to the line having to move quick and trying to shove that cork on only made matters harder. well one thing that i realized was that you cant stop time so you have to work with it. I came to that understanding after a complete fail of hitting the window actually moving at all. the cork fell flat to the ground on our 5Th try. but still with never hitting the window we didn't give up hope. we stuck with the idea of having more vinegar less baking soda. then after we came to the ending of all of our trials we started holding the cork down for 3 seconds trying to increase the pressure. by the end we never hit the window however we did get close. I feel like if our timing was correct and angle we would of hit it. every time i said fail i met i did not meet the goal however nothing is ever a true fail unless you don't try.

Wikipedia: How Accurate Is It?

The question is how accurate is Wikipedia? Well knowing that Wikipedia's information is all posted from the public and random people can esily post lies and change true facts to false. Although there are editers who change all the mishaps and mayhams some vandalizers creat, there somtimes when the editers may not catch every single mess up and the false information can lie there un-edited until red flagged. This can cause many problems to whome rely on this site. I personaly now don't want to use this site anymore because if im doing an assignment i wouldn't want to search false information. That could saverly effect my grade. I know the editera od this site blocked annoymous users from being able to change information however that still wont 100% drop all of the vandalizers. I feel bad about this because now the accuracey rate dropped and it still is very accurate but not as accurate as can be. jeremy Hsu was who wrote this blog that provided me with all of this information. His blog was posted on November 6th 2009. here is the blog -----> link where blog is

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Giant Plant Eats Rodents

There once was a plant that could grow oh so large in fact, bigger than four feet tall. This plants name was Nepenthes Attenboroughii and it is the worlds second largest plant in the world. However what is strange about this plant is that it doesn't stick to insects for dinner. The plant is so large it can eat rodents! This might seem a little strange because if anything this would be the other way around. Clearly this plant is not like any other and this plant is very clever. Mice and frogs are attracted to the sweet nectar of a plant which so, the plant produces that sweet nectar to reel them in. This plant was founded by many different people as so, missionaries and researchers. Although there is not indication of who was first; there is s main source for who has supported all of my information along with the article. Stewart MicPherson and his science crew rediscovered this plant. Where they found this plant was in South West Asia most likly found at tops of mountains. In conclusion, there will be further more detailed research on this plant and be careful next your hiking a mountain in south west Asia because you don't want to be eaten up by a Nepenthes Attenboroughii. "not true! a human cannot be eaten by a Nepenthes Attenboroughii."

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Why do flamingos' stand on one leg?

The question that seems to boggle scientist mind is, why do flamingos' stand on one leg. Scientist came up with many hypothesis. They needed to prove their hypothis by observing the flamingos'. They went to the zoo to study the flamingos'. after a long day of close up observation every other hypothis was out ruled by the hypothis of thermoregulation. Thermoregulation means the regulation of body temperature. The reason why they thought thermoregulation is reason for their aqward postion is because, it was a proven fact that legs and feet were a cause of heat loss in birds and holding one leg up towrt the body would revers the effect of loosing heat and then they would regain the heat at a comfortable level. Although this hypothis is not standard and oproved of being a true fact, the scintist and I both belive that this hypothis is correct. In conclusion, their is no ofical answer to the question "why do flamingos' stand on one leg" however it's pretty clear of what the answer cloud be and is most likly to be.

sources: Why do flamingos' stand on one leg?
article by: Andrea Thompson
scientist: Mattew Anderson

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Canavan Disease

In class today, we were assigned to look at someone else's blog and write a response  blog. The blog i chose was by "Jazzdncr" and the disease they blogged about is called Canavan disease. This disease effects the body making the is a genetic mutation on chromosome 17 that causes a deficiency of an enzyme called aspartoacylase and it causes healthy brain tissue to degenerate. Now that i've read this blog i feel lucky that i am not effected with is tragic disease.  Now i feel like i should go out and study this disease, you never  know maybe when i am older i can find a cure. From taking the information i know i am able to tell you that this disease is fatal and serious. If you are interested in learning about this sad and tragic disease CLICK HERE and be prapared for an interesting blog.

Monday, May 4, 2009


The genetic disorder is was assigned is called Phenylketonuria. What happens inside the cell is one enzyme dosen't function properly and cannot seperate amino acids. The "phe" builds up in the blood and the body connt convert "phe" into the tyrosine. Phenylketonuria is a genetic disorder that is only possible to have if both parents are carries. The majority of people who have this disease are infants. The only way of treating this disease is by going on a deit low on "phe". Because babies usually have this disease they are given special formula. Blood work is often required to be able to tell how much "phe" is needed. Also, in the diet givin by doctors it says to cut down on protiens. Their are many symtums to this diese as so, skin rash, excessive restlessness, irritable behavior, mosty body order, develop mental retardation"if not on diet", seizures, and lighter skin and hair color. If doctors do not detect deise in time infants will die. For people in the united states alone 1 person in every 70 people is a carrier with "pku" one in every 15,000 to 20,000 are infants in the USA are effected. Sadly, this diese dose not have a cure theirfore, if you are born with this diese you will have it for the rest of your life.

Friday, February 27, 2009

SOcal aquarium blames flooding on curius octopus

This event happend ten hours ago at SANTA MONICA, californa. I think that its ridicules that a leak is blaimed on a aniaml. How is it their fault whats the most harm they can do? I just learned that some people are so careless thort animals they dont even care if there was a leak that could of killed tons of animals but they care about thier new floors getting water damaged. One question if the tanks are desighened for these animals how can the animals break it?

newtons laws of motion

newtons first law is object in rest until disturbed by an outside force also known as force.
newtons second law is acceleration and mass equal the same force causing no disturbance
newtons third law is there is a equal an opposite reaction for ever object.


from this website i have learned,

  • Newton's first law is just a restatement of what Galileo had already described and Newton gave credit to Galileo.
  • These three laws hold to a good approximation for macroscopic objects under everyday conditions.
  • Newton's first law is also called the law of inertia.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Energy is thew ability to work. There are 2 different types of energy. They are Konetic energy which the energy of motion. Also, there is potential energy which the energy of position. Energy can be converted from one state to another.
Konetic Energy to potential energy
and potential energy to konetic.
Energy can not be created or disroyed by ordinary means. It can onlly change forms.