Friday, January 29, 2010

math blog

Math is all round the world, weather we like it or not. Math is a one of the main ingredients to everything. Sadly math is a main ingredient to a terrible disaster. This terrible disaster is around in different parts of the world. however, I'd like to focus on one part of the world. This issue is about innocent children who are given guns and expect to kill. This topic has a label and it is called child soldiers in Africa. There is a lot of information i could get into right now about this topic. However , I'm gonna put the spotlight on the math about this topic. Math is all about resolving problems. U.N.I.C.E.F is trying to solve this problem by subtracting the amount of Child soldiers there is. The African government Kept adding children from all around Africa. What really needs to happen is for the African government should be cut out all the way. Lets try to solve this problem. (child+soldeirs)- African gov + new better gov. 2 = -childsoldiers. Well thats at least my opion on what should happen. In conclusion, if you want to help to extend your hand even if its out of reach.